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Kerakoll Fugalite Bio 2 Part Waterproof & Stain-proof Epoxy Grout 3kg Tub

Suitable For Internal & External Use

Resistant to UV rays

Waterproof – Drop effect, water-resistant, non-absorbent and does not change colour

Approved for marine use

12 Available Colours

Joint Width: From 0 to 5 mm

Size: 3kg Tub

Please Note: Colours shown are for illustration purposes only and may vary slightly from the displayed image.

Option Product Code Price Quantity
01. White K08013.04
£39.59 each
02. Light Grey K08014.04
£39.59 each
03. Pearl Grey K08015.04
£39.59 each
04. Iron Grey K08016.04
£39.59 each
05. Anthracite K08017.04
£39.59 each
06. Black K08018.04
£39.59 each
07. Jasmin K08019.04
£39.59 each
08. Bahama Beige K08020.04
£39.59 each
12. Walnut K08024.04
£39.59 each
46. Ivory K08030.04
£39.59 each
51. Silver K08028.04
£39.59 each
15. Ocean K08032.04
£39.59 each

Work out how much you need

Using the calculator below, you can work out how much material you will need to get the job done. Please either enter your required area m2 or the width and length.

This is a rough guide calculation provided in good faith, actual usage may vary, please allow for wastage when placing your order. Premium Tile Trim Ltd can't be held responsible for any under ordering.


Water-based hypo-allergenic resin for waterproof, stain-proof, silk-effect grouting of porcelain tiles, natural stones and glass mosaic. Ideal for use in GreenBuilding.

Fugalite® Bio is dermatologically tested, with the result as hypoallergenic according to a skin tolerance medical experiment conducted at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia dermatological clinic. Available in 12 natural shades inspired by the collections mainly used for making contemporary ceramic coverings. Guarantees the aesthetic and functional continuity of grouted surfaces.

Tests have shown that Fugalite® Bio is less sensitive to photo-ageing due to direct sunlight than any other organic grout. All 12 colours have been subjected to UV light and sunlight resistance cycles, passing these tests with colour stability values that guarantee their durability. Even white, although used infrequently outside, has been subjected to the same ageing cycles.

The use of the 'Kerakoll grout float 03226' is highly recommended as it aids with filling the grout joints and removing resin from the tiles.


Appearance: Part A coloured paste / Part B neutral paste
Specific weight: Part A ≈ 1.53 kg/dm3 / Part B ≈ 1.50 kg/dm3
Viscosity: ≈ 120000 mPa · s, rotor 93 RPM 10 Brookfield method
Mineralogical nature of inert material: silicate - crystalline
Chemical nature: epoxy resin (part A) / polyamines (part B)
Grading: ≈ 0 – 250 µm
Shelf life: ≈ 18 months from production in the original sealed packaging
Warning: Protect from frost, avoid direct exposure to sunlight and sources of heat
Pack: Part A: 2 kg bucket / Part B: 1 kg bucket
Mixing ratio: Part A : Part B = 2 : 1
Specific weight of the mixture: ≈ 1.512 kg/dm3
Pot life at +23°C: ≥ 45 min.
Temperature range for application: From +5 °C to +30 °C
Width of joints: From 0 to 5 mm
Foot traffic: ≈ 24 hrs
Grouting after laying:
- with Fugalite® Bio on coating materials: immediate
- with Fugalite® Bio on floors: as soon as foot traffic is allowed
- with adhesive: see characteristics of adhesive
- mortar: ≈ 7 – 14 days
Interval before normal use: ≈ 3 days (mechanical resistance) / ≈ 7 days (chemical resist.)
- as an adhesive ≈ 2 – 4 kg/m2
- as a grout see Coverage table