Premium Tile Trim
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Kerakoll Fugabella Color Resin-Cement High Flexibility Rapid Wall & Floor Grout 3kg (Choice Of Colours)

50 Colour Collection

Ideal When Decorating Any Surface In Porcelain, Ceramic Tiles, Mosaic & Natural Stone

0-20mm Grout Joints

For Interior & Exterior Use

Suitable for Marine Use

Size: 3kg Bag

Please Note: Colours shown are for illustration purposes only and may vary slightly from the displayed image.

Option Product Code Price Quantity
Colour 01 K82401.03
£10.20 each
Colour 02 K82402.03
£9.00 each
Colour 03 K82403.03
£10.20 each
Colour 04 K82404.03
£10.20 each
Colour 05 K82405.03
£10.20 each
Colour 06 K82406.03
£9.00 each
Colour 07 K82407.03
£10.20 each
Colour 08 K82408.03
£9.00 each
Colour 09 K82409.03
£10.20 each
Colour 10 K82410.03
£10.20 each
Colour 11 K82411.03
£10.20 each
Colour 12 K82412.03
£12.60 each
Colour 13 K82413.03
£10.20 each
Colour 14 K82414.03
£12.60 each
Colour 15 K82415.03
£12.60 each
Colour 16 K82416.03
£24.60 each
Colour 17 K82417.03
£10.20 each
Colour 18 K82418.03
£10.20 each
Colour 19 K82419.03
£12.60 each
Colour 20 K82420.03
£10.20 each
Colour 21 K82421.03
£10.20 each
Colour 22 K82422.03
£10.20 each
Colour 23 K82423.03
£10.20 each
Colour 24 K82424.03
£10.20 each
Colour 25 K82425.03
£10.20 each
Colour 26 K82426.03
£10.20 each
Colour 27 K82427.03
£12.60 each
Colour 28 K82428.03
£10.20 each
Colour 29 K82429.03
£10.20 each
Colour 30 K82430.03
£10.20 each
Colour 31 K82431.03
£10.20 each
Colour 32 K82432.03
£10.20 each
Colour 33 K82433.03
£10.20 each
Colour 34 K82434.03
£10.20 each
Colour 35 K82435.03
£10.20 each
Colour 36 K82436.03
£10.20 each
Colour 37 K82437.03
£10.20 each
Colour 38 K82438.03
£12.60 each
Colour 39 K82439.03
£10.20 each
Colour 40 K82440.03
£10.20 each
Colour 41 K82441.03
£12.60 each
Colour 42 K82442.03
£12.60 each
Colour 43 K82443.03
£10.20 each
Colour 44 K82444.03
£9.00 each
Colour 45 K82445.03
£10.20 each
Colour 46 K82446.03
£10.20 each
Colour 47 K82447.03
£10.20 each
Colour 48 K82448.03
£10.20 each
Colour 49 K82449.03
£10.20 each
Colour 50 K82450.03
£12.60 each

Work out how much you need

Using the calculator below, you can work out how much material you will need to get the job done. Please either enter your required area m2 or the width and length.

This is a rough guide calculation provided in good faith, actual usage may vary, please allow for wastage when placing your order. Premium Tile Trim Ltd can't be held responsible for any under ordering.


Decorative Resina-cemento® (resin-cement) for grouting of ceramic and porcelain tiles, mosaic and natural stone in a 50-colour design range. Green product for bio-building.

The groundbreaking hybrid grout Fugabella® Color is ideal when decorating any surface in porcelain, ceramic tiles, mosaic and natural stone.

Fugabella® Color achieves performance characteristics such as water repellence, very low water absorption, high surface hardness, high resistance to the most common acidic substances and total colour uniformity

High-performance grouting of joints from 0 to 20 mm, with a smooth finish, a high degree of hardness, water-repellence with water-drop effect.

Materials to be grouted: - porcelain tiles, low thickness slabs, ceramic tiles, klinker, cotto, glass and ceramic mosaic, of all types and formats - natural stone, recomposed materials, marble. Intended use: - internal and external flooring and walls, in domestic, commercial and industrial applications and street furniture, in environments subject to heavy traffic, also in areas subject to thermal shock and freezing - swimming pools, tanks and fountains - underfloor heating systems.

Do not use on joints more than 20 mm in width, on floors and walls where specific chemical resistances or absolutely no water absorption are required; to grout elastic expansion or fractionising joints; on substrates which are highly deformable, not perfectly dry or subject to moisture rising.

When using Fugabella® Color to grout joints in large surface areas, use suitable electrical equipment to increase application speed and cleaning times. In particular, cleaning with electric sponges can be easily carried out and ensures superior coverage and perfect results in aesthetic terms.

Before grouting highly porous surface coverings, or at high temperatures, it is advisable to wipe a damp sponge over the surface to counteract the porosity or to cool the surface, being careful not to cause water to stagnate in the joints.

It is recommended to use materials from the same production batch throughout. The partial or full replacement of mixing water with Fugaflex Eco eco-friendly flexibilizing latex for cement-based grouts, gives increased flexibility to Fugabella® Color, reduces the elastic modulus, increases resistance to water and substrate adhesion.

Its use is recommended in the following specific applications: laying on wooden floors, laying on substrates or using materials with high thermal expansion or where surfaces are to be subsequently smoothed. Approved for marine use.


Appearance: Coloured Pre-Mixed
Apparent Volumetric Mass: ≈ 0.98 kg/dm3. UEAtc/CSTB 2435.
Average Granulometric Composition Colour: 01 ≈ 75µm, Colours: 02 – 50 ≈ 77µm.
Mixing Water: 0.8L / 1 bag 3kg.
Pack: 3kg Bags. ISO 11600.
Specific Weight Of Mixture: ≈ 1.7 kg/dm3. UNI 7121.
Pot Life:
- ≈ +5 °C, 80% R.H. ≥ 60 min.
- ≈ +23 °C, 50% R.H. ≥ 25 min.
- ≈ +30 °C, 40% R.H. ≥ 10 min.
Temperature Range For Application: From +5°C to +30°C.
Width Of Joints: From 0 to 20mm.
Foot Traffic: ≈ 8 hrs.
Foot Traffic At +5°C: ≈ 12 hrs.
Foot Traffic At +30°C: ≈ 8 hrs.
Interval Before Normal Use: ≈ 18 hrs.
Ready For Use At +5°C: ≈ 24 hrs.
Ready For Use At +30°C: ≈ 12 hrs.
Ready For Use In Swimming Pools: ≈ 3 days.
Coverage: Please See Technical Data Sheet Attached.
Shelf Life: 3 kg bag ≈ 24 months from production in the original sealed packaging, protect from humidity.